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TDR - Tekken Dark Resurrection - UniCross
Games > Handheld
768.81 MB

+0 / -0 (0)

Nov 7, 2006

Tekken - Dark Resurrection

New characters Lili and Dragunov join the classic cast such as Jin, Heihachi, Paul and Law in the battle to be crowned King of the Iron Fist Tournament. An all-new intro movie lets you dive into the midst of the world of TEKKEN, this time with ad-hoc multiplayer mode to fight against friends as well as more items to customize your favorite characters. Now you can fight anytime, anywhere ? are you ready?

Endast att kopiera till din ISO mapp i ditt psp och starta med Devhook 

med firmware 2.71							


768 MB (806 152 990 byte)
så den får plats i ditt 1 gigs minneskort

UniCross, we salute you


Please can you tell me how to get these games to work on PSP without a UMD. Is it something to do with firmware or can I just copy the files onto the memory card.
downgrade to 1.5 firmware
get devhook with firmware 2.71
mount iso with devhook
insert a umd, wich u want doesnt matter
and click the umd button and the the game is..
search for like devhook on google or something...
jag seedar denna fil lite då och då.. bcs ingen har fått enr min andra fil GTA VCS ladder ner den du och hjälp mig seeda!
How do you do if you want to play multiplayer?
you took away all the ending films...
ska jag bara lägga in filerna i mitt psp ???
it is 0KB/s down and 63KB/s up
can some one seed pliiiiiiz
kan nån seeda snälla // plzz seed
now its good, 300 - 400 kB/s, my max is 1,7mB/s
If there are no ending films, don't download.
I had that version and it just froze my PSP.
it worked perfect for me!!! 100%!!